
Caribbean Cacike Roberto Mukaro Borrero shares his Caribbean Native American knowledge of Indigenous Medicine and Plants at the Queens Museum. Learn more about the ancestral legacy of the Taino People- the First Peoples impacted by the New World conquest and their survival utilizing their knowledge of their own environment, and its natural resources.
This is a simple tutorial that demonstrates how one can find the ancestor projects on Gedmatch, and join the Taino DNA and Genealogy Ancestor Project. We are looking for the modern descendants of the Tainos to join our project.

Traditional Caribbean medicine refers to the indigenous healing practices that have been used for centuries in the Caribbean region. It is a blend of African, European, and Indigenous practices and beliefs that have been passed down through generations. Traditional Caribbean medicine is deeply rooted in the cultural heritage of the region and continues to be widely practiced, especially in rural areas.


One of the key principles of traditional Caribbean medicine is the concept of balance.

Herbal medicine is a central component of traditional Caribbean medicine. Many different plants and herbs are used for their medicinal properties, including aloe vera, ginger, turmeric, neem, and moringa. These herbs are often prepared as teas, infusions, or poultices, and are used to treat a wide range of ailments, from headaches and stomach aches to skin conditions and respiratory problems.

Another important aspect of traditional Caribbean medicine is spiritual healing. It is believed that illnesses can have spiritual causes, such as curses or negative energies, and spiritual healing is used to address these underlying issues. This may involve the use of prayer, meditation, or rituals performed by a spiritual healer or shaman.

Massage therapy and other physical therapies are also used in traditional Caribbean medicine to promote healing and balance. These therapies may involve the use of heat, such as through hot stone massage or steam therapy, or the manipulation of muscles and joints through massage or acupuncture.

Traditional Caribbean medicine is a rich and diverse field, and while it has been influenced by external cultures, it remains deeply rooted in the traditions and beliefs of the region. It continues to be an important part of healthcare in the Caribbean and is valued by many for its holistic and natural approach to healing.


C.O.N.C.H.’s transport of medicine and medical supplies to Cuba is a crucial medical mission that is helping to address a pressing need in the country. The organization's use of traditional Taino medicinal practices and its focus on building relationships between communities make it a unique and valuable player in this field. CONCH's work serves as a model for other organizations to follow, demonstrating the importance of collaboration and innovation in addressing complex healthcare challenges.

For more information on our medical missions to Cuba, please visit our Outreach Program here.


Learn about the core aspects and building blocks of traditional medicine and herbal remedies.

Our Core Projects Konaow' Adahi Society Outreach Program Natural and Traditional Medicine Indigenous Medicinal Plants Traditional Plant Medicine



Dominican Republic






Puerto Rico


Virgin Islands

Did you know?

Materia Medica is a Latin term relating to the history of pharmacy. It describes the sources (vegetable, animal, and mineral), nature, preparation, and properties of substances or mixtures of substances, which were used as remedies for the treatment of diseases. It refers to the study of the origin and properties of remedial substances, as well as the body of remedial substances used in the practice of medicine.